Cristina over at Home Spun Juggling got me thinking about holiday pictures a few weeks back. So, I decided to post a photo essay of the pics we've sent out every year since Luke was born, back in 2000.
I look at them now and think, 'they were never that small!' But of course they were, making this trip down memory lane even more amazing to me, who was there.

Luke, at about four months.

When he was about 16 months - not walking yet, but he loved to balance on his tootsies!
A friend took this of us in our backyard - Ben and I have changed somewhat since then too!
Luke at three - when he saw this pic a few minutes ago, he got all nostalgic telling Owen about the amazing leaf piles we used to have at our old house. Nostalgic for him, maybe, but not for the grown-ups who had to rake all those oak leaves!
In this one, Luke is four and Owen is about six months old.
Our five- and one-year-olds, on a hike in the New Hampshire mountains.

The Halloween that Luke was six and Owen was two.

The boys with Jeffrey the Snowman in 2007

Luke and Owen last year, at ages eight and four.

And now they are nine and five. Amazing how time flies, isn't it?
I love that pic of Luke a 4 months. Those are just the cutest cheeks. Wow I love looking at pictures of how kids grow and change. I've said it before and I'll say it again Karen, you have some really cute kids.
Rana, you are sweet! And right back atcha, your kids are adorable too :-)
PS And so is your new nephew!!
What wonderful pics! Love them all. :)
What adorable little boys you have. And they just look so sweet-natured, too. What a lucky mama!
Oh my goodness, what cute pictures of your boys!
They do grow fast!
Peace and Laughter,
oh, the pic of them snoozing together is unbelievably cute!!! What a great idea for a post...I'd love to do something like this, but with my boys 13 and 15, not only would it be horribly long, but I would be in tears throughout...sigh...
I just love the one of the two of them asleep. Thanks for sharing--it is always so amazing to look over pictures of kids as they grow and see the sameness that underlies the huge changes.
Alicia, Susan, and Cristina - thanks. I really am lucky, I know it :-)
Topsy - I have a hard time imagining my little ones as teenagers... I am glad I have an example like yours to follow in preparation!
Susan - A friend saw these pics and said that, too - they look so similar, even as they've grown and changed! I see it, a bit, but I think only because they are so different from each other.
Thanks everyone, for reading :-)
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