I've gotten such a great response to the Why Do You Homeschool? study, first posted here back in April. Responses came in from coast to coast, as far south as Florida and as far north as Alberta, Canada - even from distant places around the globe like Okinawa and Australia!
In the six months that I've conducted the survey, your stories have made me laugh, cry, and cheer out loud. So, I want to get them out for others to read, too (if you have privacy concerns, you should know that all respondents will remain anonymous). I'm closing the survey at the end of October and will then get to work writing a paper about why we homeschool.
And I'm hoping that in these last few weeks, I'll get enough survey respondents to bring us up over one hundred. Combined with the survey of the northeast I did last year, we're pretty close - and it'd sound so cool to say, "Many of the one-hundred-plus respondents felt..." Doncha think?
So, if you'd like to take my seven-question survey about why you homeschool, please email me at whywehsatyahoodotcom, and I'll send it to you. If you already have, thanks again; I've enjoyed getting to know you!
Happy Homeschooling -

Good luck with your next phase of the survey work. I'm very anxious to see the results.
I'm really curious about the results, too. I hope the data crunching is fun. :)
Yeah!!! I can't wait to see the final results.
Oh crap!! You sent it to me eons ago, and I carefully placed it in my "saved" file, where it has languished ever since! I know - 50 lashes with a wet noodle for me ;) If I get it to you this weekend, will that be OK?
Carri Ann
Thanks, guys, I will let you know the results when I've got them.
Carri Ann, you've got until Halloween - then, out comes the wet noodle :-)
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