Monday, April 21, 2008

Which Would You Choose?

When a member of our family has a birthday, tradition dictates that we eat birthday cake for breakfast in the days following, until it runs out.

So, when Ben and I heard Owen nosing in the fridge early last Friday morning, we figured he'd eventually hit upon the cake.

Owen loves fruit, and each night I place a little care package of chopped-up orange or kiwi, especially for him to eat before breakfast, in the fridge - we'd already heard him find that on the morning in question, so we both figured that he'd moved on to cake, which would have been okay. What would not have been okay, was if Owen got into more fruit; too much and he ends up with "a sore bum-bum."

Which is a kind way of saying that our youngest darling's bowels explode if he eats too much fruit.

Ben got up pretty quickly after we heard the sounds of plastic wrap being pulled open, thinking he'd gotten into the cake; but no. Owen bypassed it completely for a grapefruit half, and was chowing down when Ben entered the kitchen.

So, Owen got in trouble, not for eating birthday cake for breakfast, but for eating too much fruit! Poor guy.

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